0086 15029057539

JD Pulling Tool

JD Type Pulling Tool is a wireline service tool designed to remove retrievable subsurface devices with external fishing necks,from a well. Our JD type pulling tool is available with diferent core lengths which permits the tool to retrieve subsurface devices with different fishing n
Products Inquiry


Wireline Slickline JD Type Pulling Tool is a wireline service tool designed to remove retrievable subsurface devices with external fishing necks,from a well. Our JD type pulling tool  is available with diferent  core lengths which permits the tool to retrieve subsurface devices with different fishing  neck reach.

Technical Specifications


Actual O.D.

Fishing  Neck


To Engage  Size

1.25 "

1.291 "

1.187 "

15/ 16UN

0.875 "

1.5 "

1.422 "

1.187 "

15/ 16UN

1.187 "

2 "

1.86 "

1.375 "

15/ 16UN

1.375 "

2.5 "

2.25 "

1.375 "

15/ 16UN

1.75 "

3 "

2.796 "

1.75 "

15/ 16UN

2.313 "

4 "

3.75 "

2.313 "

1-1/ 16UN

3.125 "

*Other sizes are available upon request.