CHAMP Packer/15K Retrievable Packer is improved from RTTS Packer. Compared with RTTS Packer, the CHAMP Packer has a concentric bypass. The CHAMP Packer has the capability of circulating below the packer and other parts have the same function as RTTS Packer. While going in the hole, the bypass is hel...
RTTS Packer,10K Retrievable Packer is a full opening, hook walltype packer usedfortesting, treating, and squeeze cementing operations. The full opening permits pumping large volumes of fluid with a minimum pressure drop, and allows the passage of a through tubing type perfora...
RTTS safety joint is an optional emergency backoff device. The safety joint releases the workstring and tools above the packer if the packer becomes stuck during operations.To initiate the release of the safety joint, a tension sleeve must be parted by pulling on the workstring. For complete release...
RTTS Circulating Valve is a locked-open/locked-closed valve that serves as both a circulating valve and bypass. The clearance between the RTTS packer (or any hookwall packer) and the casing ID is relatively small. To reduce the effect of fluid-swabbing action when the tool is run in or pulled out of...
Sleeve type drain valve is used to drain the volume fluid and release pressure when string testing finished.The drain valve consists of a ported body, sliding sleeve, and rotating nut, which controls the position of the sliding sleeve....
LPR-N Tester Valve is a full-opening, annulus pressure- operated valve. It permits measuring multiple closed-in pressures in cased holes where pipe manipulation is restricted and a full- opening string isrequired....
Wireline clampis used to lift or clamp slickline (0.092-0.125) or wireline (1/8"-3/8")...
Hay pulley is used to manipulate the direction of the wireline or cable from a horizontal position to a vertical position. Then route to the stuffing box from the the wireline unit. This tool is generally positioned at the wellhead on the lubricator to reduce side pull force and to avoid lateral loa...